For all procedures, Flawless Beauties must sign all consent forms upon arrival to appointment and have a released document signed by Dr. if under specialty Doctor's care(if applicable). Review below before booking and paying non-refundable deposit.
Permanent Makeup Eyebrows:
- Form of tattooing also called Micropigmentation
- Allergic reactions may occur
- Do not shave off Eyebrows
- Book session at least 3 a weeks after Botox or filler
- Refer to Dr. if have any skin issues, blood pressure medications, or illness. Must bring in a Dr. release form.
- Do not drink 24 hour before procedure
- Cannot have procedure while pregnant, or nursing mothers.
- Must be over 18 years old
- No waxing of eyebrows less then 36 hours prior to appointment
- Understand that after procedure and during 4-6 week healing process, pigment will be 30% -40% darker than desire result.
- May have minor bleeding during procedure
- May have some mild redness and swelling right after procedure
- Infections may occur if aftercare is not followed correctly.
- Electrolysis or tinting should not be done for min. or 2 weeks prior to procedure
- Follow up( 2 appointment) must be 4-6 weeks after initial procedure
- May not have procedure if active inflammation and/or infection in the treated area.
- No facials,Botox,chemical treatments, or Microdermabrasion for 4 weeks after procedure
Body Sculpting:
- Book at least 3 months after any surgeries
- Not a treatment for person with Cancer/ life treatening illness
- Inform us of any allergies or concerns
- Cannot have procedure while on menstral cycle, pregnant, or nursing
- Must have parents permission if under 18 years old.
- Refer to Dr. if have any Disease or illness. Must bring in a Dr. release form.
- Drink plenty of water before and after treatment
- Have a 3 hour fast prior to treatment
- Avoid alcoholic drinks and those with high sugar before and after treatment
General Exclusion Criteria:
- Active inflammation and/or infection in the treated area.
- Current or history of cancer and premalignant condition.
- Degenerative neurologic diseases.
- Diseases stimulated by heat, (such as recurrent herpes simplex in the treatment area).
- Internal defibrillator/pacemaker, heart disease
- Metal implants in the treated area excluding dental implants
- Uncontrolled disorder of the thyroid gland.
- Varicose veins on treatment area.
- Pregnancy, IVF procedure.
- Skin related autoimmune diseases. (ex. psoriasis)
- Silicone implants and injections in treated area.
- Anticoagulated clients
- Neoplasms (abnormal growths of tissue)
- Glaucoma
- Active collagenopathies (defects in the collagen)
- Sensitivity changes or numbness in the skin
- Severe hypertension
- Active hemorrhage
- Liver failure
- Kidney problems
Precaution Criteria:
- Botox injection and implants in the treatment area (wait one month after the last injection before starting a treatment)
- Breast feeding
- Epilepsy
- Facial laser resurfacing and deep chemical peeling within the last month, if face is treated
- Fresh scars or wounds, scarification of the skin in the treated area
- Telangicetasia.
- Thyroid gland – not recommended treating over the thyroid gland
- Ongoing use of isotretinoin (ex. Accutane)
- Recent filler injections
- Recent surgical procedure/special medications
- Rosacea (not recommended if face is treated).